Elementary School Counseling Program
Our elementary counseling program takes a three-tiered approach to social-emotional learning.
This comprehensive program helps our students develop five social and emotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making. It responds to the needs that are developmentally characteristic of our students as well as to the needs that arise from life circumstances. The program responds to requirements identified by teachers, parents and students.
Through bimonthly storybook-based mini lessons, students in 1st through 4th grade have the opportunity to learn developmentally appropriate social-emotional skills such as making and keeping friends, developing empathy and compassion, and self-regulation, among others. These lessons comply with American School Counselor Association Standards for Students and follow CASEL guidelines for Social and Emotional Competencies
Some students participate in focused groups designed to support specific needs, for example new students, a group for Girls in Real Life Situations and others as necessary. Students also have the opportunity to participate in peer mediation meetings, where students communicate with each other about a problem and reach agreements that are part of the solution.
Through individual meetings, students establish personal goals and learn problem-solving skills to manage day to day interactions that might be temporarily disrupting their learning.
The counseling program recognizes that the partnership between, school, parents and students is vital to student success. Escuela Para Padres meetings throughout the year provide tools to help parents better support their children.